About Us
Based on Mexico City, is a Ready meals, food manufacturer with the purpose of creating innovative products with 100% natural ingredients that represent the true Mexican cuisine in a practical and affordable way, offering versatility, practicality and efficiency in ready-to-eat foods.
Thanks to our technology and innovative packaging allows us to offer a wide variety of recipes and products for the shelf stable food market, always keeping the real food flavors free of refrigeration and with 100% natural products to highlight the Mexican food and to bring it to the world with a variety of recipes and presentations that make the consumer to enjoy the daily food in an easier way.

The Product
Sterilized and individual packed food
100% Natural Ingredients, most popular recepies and mexican tacos meats
Shelf Stable, No refrigeration Needed
Special Packaging for microwave!
18 months shelf life
The Process
- - High Tech Sterilization Process
- - Consists of sterilizing. pasteurizing or cooking a product (and its packaging) so it’s both safe and of high quality.
- - Retort sterilization provides an effective means of achieving optimum shelf stability
- - Thermal processed to eradicate any microorganisms and extend shelf life up to 24 months at time of production!
- - The pouch is heated by steam to 240-250ºF for several minutes under high pressure to complete the process.
Our Certifications
We have the highest quality standards and safety procedures, meeting strict requirements from international certification organizations.

Business Units
Branded Retail, Private Label and Food Service